Thursday 14 June 2007

And another thing:

I wouldn’t normally Blog twice in one day but this day just takes the biscuit and I need a bit of cyber-ranting. Given the poor start I should have known not to try driving or cooking as either one was destined for disaster but the sun was shining and the pool at my friend Peony’s was beckoning so off we went. All I can say is that the journey was like one of those arcade games where you are moving through an obstacle course with things jumping out at you from all sides. Naturally we had to battle with the workmen to get out of my road, which now involves going round a bumpy diversion as they have started digging trenches across the road as well as along it. Then there is the weird French rule of ‘priorité à droite’ which means that cars joining the main road from side-streets on the right have right of way! Not everyone follows it, many do actually give way rather than just pull out without looking but this afternoon we seemed to come across every last stickler determined to exercise their right, whether we had to screech to a halt or not. And then there was the lady who turned left across in front of us without indicating, so of course we weren’t expecting to stop and nearly rammed her, and she had the nerve to stop her car in front of us, get out and start an argument! Ooh, they love a bit of arm-waving and shouting. I was spitting feathers by that point, and Poppet even piped up with ‘Mummy, why are you moaning?’ until Pickle sensibly requested his new favourite song on the CD player –‘ Doo, Doo, Doo, Da, Da, Da’ by the Police. How very appropriate, bless him.

Surprisingly the swimming went ok, probably because I didn’t have too much of a hand in it being a bit of a coward around cold water, but when we got back home for tea I should really have known better than to fry anything. Of course the oil was going to jump out onto the electric hob and start smoking. And of course Poppet was going to take one look at the final result and say ‘I don’t like the look of that’ and go back out to the trampoline.
The only saving grace of the day was when the thunder started to rumble as I was pegging out the last sock on the washing line and the rain started to come down in stair rods with accompanying lightning, at least I remembered to unplug the phone this time. And although I got all the washing back in without getting soaked, today was not the day to tackle folding a fitted sheet. That's now in a heap in the corner awaiting better luck tomorrow.

What a day. Where did I out that pillow? Night night.

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