Sunday 30 March 2008

Codename Sparky

What do you get if you cross a dog with an electric fence?

Well, if the dog is stupid enough to try to crawl under the fence to get at the golf balls on the driving range on the other side then the answer is: a lot of yelping. Especially if it's raining.

Yes, our lovely Tiggy is living up to her new nickname of Dogbrain (courtesy of Pickle, naturally) and managed to get zapped not just once, but three times by an electric fence today. Somehow the first shock didn’t stop her crawling all the way under and getting trapped on the far side. Then while we searched for a place where she could safely jump back over it without becoming tangled in the barbed wire strung above it, she panicked and crawled under it again, getting zapped twice more. Poor thing promptly took off to the car quicker than a whippet, with her sizzling tail tucked firmly between her legs.

But some good may come of it; perhaps now she’ll think twice before digging under our fence to get at next door’s Chihuahua, something she has been doing pretty regularly, including yesterday afternoon… during our neighbour’s annual Easter Egg hunt. You never saw twenty kids running so fast away from the eggs...


  1. Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Servidor, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.

  2. Dammit, I was going to say that your post was likeable and that your blog was very interesting but it looks like servidores got there first ;)

    Poor ol Tiggy. All these things to contend with!

  3. Eek, am I getting spammed on my Blog now? Is nowhere safe?!!!

  4. I saw a sign today that made me think of you... it said "Sod the dog, beware of the kids!"

    Have fun,

