Thursday 4 February 2010

Early morning machinations of a seven year old

Sit down before you read this:
Pickle got himself out of bed and downstairs to breakfast this morning. On a school day.

Shocking isn't it? But he had something very important to ask me:

'What if the house caught on fire? Wouldn't it be good if every house had a giant water pistol in the back garden that when it saw smoke it would fire water at the house and put out the fire?'

And he went on:

'I've been thinking about Thomas the Tank Engine and its a shame I don't have the DVDs any more [he gave them away, very bravely] but I've decided its not babyish after all; the name is nice, he's a good train, very helpful... I think I'll make a huge track later and wouldn't it be great to have a bridge with a junction on it? And the train could go under the bridge then curl round and round and go over the top of it...'

He then proceeded to demonstrate how it might look - using the dog as the bridge.

His final words before disappearing into his bowl of cornflakes were:

'I really can't go to school today Mum, I've got SO much to do.'


  1. My 4 yr old helped herself to breakfast the other day. She decided she wanted a hard boiled egg from the fridge. When I found her she'd been through THREE fresh eggs from the carton and couldn't understand why any weren't 'white inside'.

  2. keren mas buat infonya dan salam sukses selalu

  3. Yah begitulah, backlink dari google ini memang perlu untuk kita kejar dan kita dapatkan

  4. artikelnya sangat bagus, terima kasih telah membagi informasi tersebut

  5. Kabar Baik Untuk Para pencinta Game
    Karena di Bulan januari ini Sudah keluar Game RPG Online Terpopuler Se-Asia
    Penasarankan Game nya Seperti apa???
    Kalian bisa dilihat game nya dari link di bawah yaaa

  6. Menarik sekali, perlu saya coba ini..
    kebetulan lagi cara tentang hal ini.

  7. Mau mendapatkan pelayanan yang baik dan ramah???

    Modal Kecil bisa mendapatkan hasil yg luar biasa...
