Sunday 11 April 2010

What the..?

Here's an interesting one. Swollen eyeballs.

No, I don't mean puffy eyes like having just woken up after a hard night on the lash (never happened to me of course, I read about that in a magazine), I mean the actual white of my eyeball is swollen. I had to whip out my contact lenses before they pinged out and hurt somebody (you could take someone's eye out with that...!)

Hayfever, innit. As Rose just said, 'somehow we've gone from snow to pollen without even time to pop an antihistamine in between'. Wot's that all about?

Anyway, I only popped in to prove I've not eloped with the Easter Bunny for a lifetime of Cadbury's Cream Eggs, tempting though it might be. I've been up to my (floppy) ears in coursework and campaigning, with a bit of cookery on the side. It's the school holidays and we've had guests over plus I am trying to gather all my evidence to prove I'm certifiable (as a teacher I mean, everyone already knows I'm nuts).

The campaigning has been trying to find a way to prevent our school from going under. It's crisis central round here with little hope of crawling out of the mire which is threatening to suck our adorable little international school down the drain. I won't go into details, but let's just say some people have no business being in business when they got their business degree with 6 Tiger tokens and a couple of quid.

So it looks like Poppet and Pickle will be moving to a new school for all of one year (the time left on Nobby's contract in Hungary) and I'll have to fork out for a uniform for this one. Yikes. No telling what will happen to the piano lessons and chess club and football training, that's all gonna have to change too. BUT... they have interactive whiteboards - as far as Pickle is concerned that's a very large computer screen / TV in every classroom - so I reckon they'll have some fun with those.

That's all for now, apart from a Happy Sapphire Wedding anniversary to my folks.
Forty Five years, cor blimey. Congrats you two.

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