Thursday 7 February 2008

Ingenuity à la francais

Tiggy’s little playmate, Camille (the whippet), couldn’t play today because she has a poorly paw. Apparently she ran off after a deer in the forest and knowing how fast she can go from past experience I think the deer did well to get away. But she came back bleeding and now she has a bandage on her paw and has to stay on the lead. When we met up today I noticed that her ‘Mummy’ had covered the bandage with something to keep it from getting dirty.
‘Ah, she’s got a little plastic bag on her foot!’ says I.
‘It’s not a plastic bag,’ says her Mummy.
I looked closer. No, it wasn’t a plastic bag. It was a condom.

1 comment:

  1. she might be onto something there!
    you can get fluorescent ones too!
